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We have resources on dozens of important environmental health topics presented in various forms including Evidence Reviews, Evidence Briefs and Research Scans, Subject Guides, Blogs, Webinar Recordings, and Videos and Tools. Please see this page for more information concerning these document types. Browse the topics and discover what is available.

Ticks in a changing climate: Resources for environmental public health professionals
July 13, 2023
Some tick species are vectors of disease, meaning they can transmit bacterial, viral or protozoan pathogens to humans or animals through prolonged attachment during a blood meal. In Canada…

Avian influenza A(H5N1) and the continuing outbreak
July 12, 2023
Key Messages The outbreak of high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) caused by A(H5N1) that began in late 2021 has persisted through to 2023, and has shown…
The role of environmental public health professionals in collaborative foodborne illness outbreak investigations
June 28, 2023
Outbreaks of infectious foodborne diseases continue to affect populations across Canada, with potentially severe impacts on susceptible groups such as children, older adults, immune compromised…

Reducing tick-related risks through improved design and maintenance in outdoor environments
June 20, 2023
Ticks are a growing public health concern in Canada due to several interrelated factors. They are capable of infecting humans with pathogens that can cause illness and they can be found in…

Black garlic: Food safety considerations during production and storage
June 7, 2023
Key Messages Black garlic is produced by aging fresh garlic in high-temperature (60–90°C) and high-humidity (70–90%) conditions for several weeks. Clostridium…

Ticks in a changing climate
June 2, 2023
This brochure summarizes how best to design and manage outdoor environments to reduce tick habitat, and outlines steps you should take to reduce the risk of getting bitten by a tick when recreating…
Managing tick-related risks in outdoor environments
May 31, 2023
The geographic range of ticks is rapidly expanding due to climate change, animal migration, and land use changes. The objective of this project was to improve understanding of the public health…

Staying current with Canadian drinking water guidelines
May 31, 2023
Staying up to date with changes to Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines (CDWG) can be challenging for those involved in the assessment of drinking water quality and management of drinking water…

Earthquake resources for environmental public health professionals
May 31, 2023
Earthquakes result when tectonic forces cause sections of the crust to move suddenly against each other, sending out seismic waves that cause imperceptible to violent shaking on the surface. This…
Rapid implementation of bikeways for healthy, safe, equitable and more sustainable communities
May 24, 2023
Over the past several years, cities across Canada and throughout the world have increasingly shifted their approach to delivering bikeways by following a rapid implementation or quick build approach…