[ARCHIVED] Health Promotion in the Context of Health Protection
Webinar Series
NCCEH Webinar
Webinar Date
May 27, 2012, All day
Mona Shum
Audrey Campbell
Wayne Fletcher
Nelson Fok
Paula Tait
Terry Battock
Steven Eng
Sabrina Dosanjh
Paula Tait
Robert Mancini
Jennifer Reid
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have feedback, please contact us at [email protected].]
- Introductions and purpose of the workshop
Mona Shum, NCCEH - What is Health Promotion in the context of Health Protection?
Audrey Campbell, University of British Columbia - A Collaborative Health Promotion Approach
Wayne Fletcher, Toronto Public Health - The Role of Health Protection in a Safe Housing Program
Nelson Fok, Alberta Health Services - Getting Local Food to the Table for Food Security
Paula Tait, Northern Health (BC) - What does it take to get Smoke-free Taxicabs? Lessons Learned
Terry Battock, Service NL - Sharing Successes and Challenges
- Improving Food Safety in Private Homes by Marketing Behaviour, not Information - Steven Eng
- Kitimat Food Share - Sabrina Dosanjh
- Connecting for Healthy Communities - Paula Tait
- Hands-on Food Safety Training for Folklorama, a Temporary Food Service Event - Robert Mancini
- Environmental Health Officers Supporting Community Development - Jennifer Reid
The views and opinions expressed by invited webinar presenters do not necessarily reflect those of the NCCEH and our funder, the Public Health Agency of Canada.