Public Health Inspectors (PHIs) and Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) across Canada have different responsibilities, policies, and guidelines when it comes to investigating public inquiries about mould in indoor environments. Some PHIs/EHOs conduct initial walkthroughs only, some conduct comprehensive investigations, and others educate the public about next steps without conducting any field evaluation themselves.
This toolkit provides PHIs and EHOs with some of the tools for evaluating indoor environments for mould (and other microorganisms), providing information, conducting walkthrough investigations, and understanding laboratory and consultant reports that they may be asked to review. This toolkit is meant to be a living document as new information becomes available and new tools are discovered or created. It is the NCCEH’s intention to enlist the help of PHIs, EHOs, and content experts to keep this toolkit current and useful.
The toolkit consists of the following:
- Toolkit overview
- Sample inspection checklists and forms
- Overview of Typical Fungi
- Overview of Microbial Sampling Methods
- Interpretation of Microbial Laboratory Reports
- Reviewing Microbial Investigation Reports
To learn more, take our online Mould Investigation Course.