[ARCHIVED] Reducing residential indoor exposure to pesticides: A toolkit for practitioners
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The scientific literature indicates that avoidance of pesticide use and alternative practices, such as Integrated Pest Management (IPM), may be effective methods for reducing indoor residential pesticide exposure. Safe use of pesticides, indoors and outdoors, involves following label directions and taking precautionary measures, such as wearing gloves and protective clothing. Track-in and take-home of pesticides used outdoors can contribute to pesticide exposure indoors and can likely be reduced by such simple measures as removing shoes at door entries and using doormats. Once pesticide residues are indoors, cleaning may reduce levels. Bare floors are easiest to clean and, for carpets, vacuuming with a power brush in combination with steam cleaning may be an effective way to reduce pesticide residues by reducing dust accumulation. A major evidence gap is the lack of good intervention studies that are effective in reducing pesticide exposure (not just reducing pesticide use) in households and residential areas.