Indoor CO2 sensors for COVID-19 risk mitigation: Current guidance and limitations
Angela Eykelbosh, PhD
CO2 monitoring is an established tool to assess occupancy and ventilation requirements for indoor spaces, typically for the purposes of increasing energy efficiency. During the pandemic, it is critical that spaces are adequately ventilated for the number of occupants and type of activities, but it is often unclear if ventilation objectives are being met. CO2 monitoring can help to address ventilation inadequacy, provided that users are able to install, monitor, interpret, and react to these devices. However, there are a number of technical and risk communication challenges regarding CO2 monitoring by non-expert occupants, including the tendency to misinterpret CO2 as a direct indicator of COVID-19 risk. This webinar will review some of the public health commentary or guidance on CO2 monitoring during the pandemic, and will identify the more challenging aspects of this practice to help facilitate decision-making and communication around CO2 sensors.
The views and opinions expressed by invited webinar presenters do not necessarily reflect those of the NCCEH and our funder, the Public Health Agency of Canada.