The Algal Bloom Action Team is a collaboration of water professionals, researchers, and educators from twelve states in the North Central Region of the United States. Team members include the national network of Water Resources Research Institutes (WRRI), the North Central Region Water Network and university Extensions within each state in the North Central Region.
January 6-7, 2022, the team will be hosting its 2nd Annual Virtual Harmful Algal Boom or HAB Research Symposium.
Last year’s event brought together over 890 educators and researchers from across the US to hear the latest HAB research and discussed ongoing outreach efforts.
This year’s symposium will feature emergent harmful algal bloom (HAB) research and provide a venue for moderated discussions regarding HAB research, outreach, and how information dissemination can be improved. We have 16 cutting edge HAB research presentations lined up focusing on four different topics:
- HAB Monitoring and Ecology
- Cyanotoxin Treatment and Detection
- Forecasting and Modeling HABs
- Emerging Technology for Detecting and Monitoring HABs