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Drinking water guidelines and governance
March 25, 2020
The provision of safe drinking water across Canada is a responsibility shared across many agencies. At the federal level, Health Canada sets Drinking Water Guidelines for contaminants in drinking…
Staying current with Canadian drinking water guidelines
May 31, 2023
Staying up to date with changes to Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines (CDWG) can be challenging for those involved in the assessment of drinking water quality and management of drinking water…
Appreciating and applying metal in drinking water guidelines
September 16, 2015
Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI) 81st Annual National Educational Conference National and International agencies establish drinking water guidelines based on objectives which…
Keeping Drinking Water Safe: New Guidelines for PFAS in Canada
March 13, 2019
What are PFAS? Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, or PFAS, represent a large group of synthetic chemicals that have been in use since the 1950s in industry and consumer products as water, stain,…
Wading through the mire: Keeping up with new and changing Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines
September 19, 2019
Changes to Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines Over the past year there have been nine new consultations and announcement of eleven new or updated Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines. Keeping up with…
Health Canada’s new lead guideline and results of an Indigenous Services Canada, FNIHB drinking water sampling survey in children's facilities
March 24, 2022
Health Canada published the revised lead drinking water guideline in 2019. The document included recommendations for sampling protocols to assess lead exposure such as random daytime and fixed…
Cyanobacteria - Tapping into the risks to drinking water
May 21, 2019
What do dog deaths in Fredericton, a State of Emergency in Salem, Oregon, and vacuuming lakes in Florida all have in common? All of these events over the past year have been triggered by microscopic…
Lead in drinking water
March 10, 2022
Lead is a naturally occurring toxic metal that can be harmful to human health. Health effects of lead exposure can include neurological, cardiovascular, renal, immunological,…
Small drinking water systems and private wells
December 10, 2021
The definition and regulatory oversight of small drinking water systems (SDWS) across Canada varies by provincial and federal jurisdictions. A small system may be…
[ARCHIVED] Safe Drinking Water (2009)
May 3, 2009
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…