Public health surveillance of housing conditions: Recent data from Montreal and thoughts on improving impacts on policy
David Kaiser, MD
The BCCDC/NCCEH Environmental Health Seminar Series provides an opportunity for learning and knowledge exchange on a variety of environmental health topics. The seminars can be attended in-person or online.
Speaker: Dr. David Kaiser, Specialist Physician, Montreal Public Health
Abstract: Housing conditions are a fundamental determinant of health and one of the core targets of public health interventions in an urban context. However, surveillance data regarding housing conditions are largely absent at a local level in Canada. Since 2010, Montreal Public Health has carried out a number of studies aimed at generating data on a variety of housing-related issues - molds, bed bugs, cockroaches, upkeep & repair, essential services, affordability - their determinants, and impacts on health. In this webinar, we will briefly present some examples of local-level data from our most recent housing survey, carried out in 2017. We will discuss potential uses of such data, persistent knowledge gaps, and perspectives for improving housing surveillance data from a public health perspective.
The views and opinions expressed by invited webinar presenters do not necessarily reflect those of the NCCEH and our funder, the Public Health Agency of Canada.