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Cannabis edibles: Regulatory updates, risk assessment and public health messaging
July 11, 2019
The NCCEH Environmental Health Seminar Series provides an opportunity for learning and knowledge exchange on a variety of environmental health topics. The seminars can be attended in-person…
[ARCHIVED] Quantitative Risk Assessment: An Overview and Discussion of Emerging Issues
December 19, 2012
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
One Health Approach to Risk Assessment (OHARA)
December 6, 2023
Abstract Canada needs the capability for early detection, understanding and action to address One Health threats and reduce their potential wide-reaching impact. To fill this need, the Public Health…
Case Studies in Food Risk Assessments
February 26, 2015
The BCCDC/NCCEH Environmental Health Seminar Series provides an opportunity for learning and knowledge exchange on a variety of environmental health topics. The seminars can be attended in-…

Human health risk assessments addressing artificial turf and crumb rubber
March 1, 2022
Public concern regarding the potential toxicological effects of exposure to artificial turf pitches has led to the publication of numerous human health risk assessments (HHRAs) on styrene-…
Scoping Population Health in Impact Assessment (ScopHIA)
February 24, 2021
Identifying Best Practices for Scoping Major Natural Resource and Large-Scale Infrastructure Projects under Canada's Impact Assessment Act Canada’s Impact Assessment Act provides new…
Putting Health in Environmental Assessment
September 13, 2015
Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors National Conference 2015 This panel was designed to provide public health inspectors with a basic understanding of the inclusion of health in…

Can CO2 sensors be used to assess COVID-19 transmission risk?
January 15, 2021
Ventilation and air cleaning are now recognized as important tools for mitigating the risk of COVID-19 indoors. However, many public spaces are either inadequately ventilated, or their ventilation…

Using a hierarchy of evidence to assess chemical health risks of artificial turf
October 18, 2016
Over the past 40 years, artificial turf has become common in public and private settings. Compared to natural turf, artificial turf is easier to maintain, requires less water and no fertilizer, and…
Ready-to-Eat Meats Online Course: Assessing the Food Safety Risks
This self-directed course was developed for public health inspectors and focuses on micro-, small-, and medium-sized ready-to-eat meat production operations. There are nine modules to complete and…