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Climate change and opportunistic pathogens (OPs) in the built environment
October 26, 2022
Water distribution lines, premise plumbing in homes and large buildings, and recreational waters (pools, spas, splash-parks), can harbour a range of opportunistic pathogens (OPs), like Legionella spp…

June 8, 2022
Legionella is naturally occurring waterborne bacteria that can survive within building water systems and multiply under ideal conditions that include warm temperature (e.g., 25-45°C), lack of…

Lead in drinking water
March 10, 2022
Lead is a naturally occurring toxic metal that can be harmful to human health. Health effects of lead exposure can include neurological, cardiovascular, renal, immunological,…
Health Canada’s new lead guideline and results of an Indigenous Services Canada, FNIHB drinking water sampling survey in children's facilities
March 24, 2022
Health Canada published the revised lead drinking water guideline in 2019. The document included recommendations for sampling protocols to assess lead exposure such as random daytime and fixed…

Cooling Tower Registries and Building Water Management Plans: Strategies to combat Legionnaires’ Disease
January 20, 2020
There’s something in the aerosols Devices that aerosolize water can increase the risk of exposure to Legionella bacteria through inhalation, leading to serious illness such as Legionnaires’ disease…
Strategies to combat Legionnaires’ disease – Outbreak investigation and preventive policy
February 20, 2020
The NCCEH Environmental Health Seminar Series provides an opportunity for learning and knowledge exchange on a variety of environmental health topics. The seminars can be attended in-person…
Building shutdown and re-opening during the COVID-19 pandemic
February 11, 2021
[Last Updated: Feb 11, 2021] During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it may be necessary to periodically close public buildings and facilities, followed by re-opening when safe again. Periods of low…
[ARCHIVED] Safe Drinking Water (2009)
May 3, 2009
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
Programs and services - Who does what?
March 17, 2014
Environmental health programs and services are delivered by various agencies across Canada. In an effort to make this information readily available, we have compiled it into a two-part, comprehensive…

2019 NCCEH Year in Review
December 19, 2019
As we reflect back on 2019 it is our pleasure to recount highlights of some of our NCCEH work in 2019. We continue to focus on built environment, climate-related public health impacts, emergency…