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[ARCHIVED] Carbon dioxide in indoor air
June 1, 2010
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
Carbon Dioxide in Indoor Air
A Public Health Inspector calls about an issue flagged at an older elementary school. As part of a teacher complaint process, the provincial health and safety agency has been conducting a workplace…
Pandemic experiences with manual ventilation and carbon dioxide (CO2) sensing in schools
October 19, 2022
Key Messages Schools employed a variety of different manual ventilation protocols to increase air exchange in naturally and mechanically ventilated buildings or classrooms during the…
Public health and public libraries in partnership to promote healthy indoor air quality
September 14, 2022
A key issue during the COVID-19 pandemic was the critical importance of ventilation in preventing transmission. In Canada, building codes prioritize air tightness and energy efficiency over…
Indoor CO2 sensors for COVID-19 risk mitigation: Current guidance and limitations
May 18, 2021
Primary inquiry: Information was requested regarding whether CO2 monitoring could be implemented as a COVID-19 risk mitigation tool in restaurants. Building on a previous NCCEH document in which we…
Where the public meets health: Libraries as key partners for advancing public health goals
January 12, 2023
In the past six months, the NCCEH has had the opportunity to reflect on the common goals of public health and a valuable but under-recognized community partner: public libraries. Public libraries are…
Forest Residues to Energy: Is this a pathway towards healthier communities?
March 14, 2012
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
Can CO2 sensors be used to assess COVID-19 transmission risk?
January 15, 2021
Ventilation and air cleaning are now recognized as important tools for mitigating the risk of COVID-19 indoors. However, many public spaces are either inadequately ventilated, or their ventilation…
[ARCHIVED] Nanotechnology: A Review of Exposure, Health Risks and Recent Regulatory Developments
August 14, 2011
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
[ARCHIVED] Adverse Cardiovascular Health Effects of Exposure to Short-Term Air Pollution
March 22, 2008
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…