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Assessing environments to support healthy aging and reduce social isolation
February 9, 2022
The population of adults aged 60-plus is growing rapidly around the world, expected to more than double to more than two billion by 2050, and the World Health Organization has declared 2020-2030 the…
Building social connections: Designing multi-unit housing for social well-being
January 15, 2025
Abstract Join Happy Cities for an engaging discussion on designing housing that fosters well-being and social connection. As urban areas across Canada push for denser, faster housing development, it…
Healthy social environments: Social connectivity in neighbourhoods
December 16, 2020
Building on the success of the Healthy Built Environment Toolkit, BCCDC is developing a complimentary framework which focuses on supporting social connections and resiliency. This resource will offer…
NCCEH Ron de Burger Student Award winners
November 30, 2018
The BCCDC/NCCEH Environmental Health Seminar Series provides an opportunity for learning and knowledge exchange on a variety of environmental health topics. The seminars can be attended in-…
Healthy Housing Environments: Public Health, Cooperative and Co-housing 101
February 20, 2019
Social isolation is an increasingly important issue in Canada which has been associated with negative health outcomes such as depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline among those with dementia.…
Cities for all seasons – Considerations for using outdoor urban spaces during the winter
December 15, 2021
At the start of autumn 2020 following months of the global pandemic, speculation abounded as to how Canadians would fare during the long winter months under ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. During the…
Time to think 15-minute cities for health and equity
February 14, 2022
Most cities in North America were built for the car, resulting in urban sprawl that requires commuting time. In recent decades, cities began to undergo an urban transformation to become more compact…
Lessons from Northern Ontario: Rural-proofing emergency management in Canada
September 26, 2024
Abstract Rural communities, with low populations and geographic isolation, face unique challenges like access to healthcare, transportation, and Internet. These characteristics also make rural areas…
Extreme Heat can be a Killer
February 26, 2020
Canada is experiencing more extremely hot days and longer periods of heat than during the late 20th century and it is going to get worse. Every year, about 120 people die from heat related causes in…
[ARCHIVED] Heat advice: Vulnerable populations
October 1, 2010
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…