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Evacuation during wildfires and public health – results from a pilot study and literature review
May 9, 2024
Abstract The presentation addresses a study and an in-depth literature review aimed at identifying the most critical moments to minimize health impacts during a wildfire evacuation. To this end,…
COVID-19 management during public health emergencies
April 15, 2021
The goal of any public health emergency is to help as many people as quickly as possible. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new dimension to emergency management. Not only has COVID-19 made it…

Floods: Prevention, preparedness, response and recovery
April 26, 2023
Climate change is driving an increase in daily extreme precipitation in Canada, which when combined with other landscape factors, such as urbanization, deforestation, and loss of wetlands,…

Rapid Review: What is the effectiveness of public health interventions on reducing the direct and indirect health impacts of wildfires?
October 31, 2023
Executive Summary Background Exposure to wildfires and their smoke has a well-established impact on the health of populations, from direct physical and mental health implications to more indirect…

Practical guidance for post wildfire cleanup
September 13, 2024
Catastrophic wildfires have had devastating impacts on many Canadian communities over the past decade from Fort McMurray AB in 2016, to Lytton BC in 2021, to Jasper AB …
Indigenous disaster response
September 25, 2019
Indigenous communities may be disproportionately impacted by a variety of emergencies and disasters, including floods, wildfires, and crude oil spills in their traditional territories. This may be…
Flood zones are danger zones: Be aware of the risks
November 25, 2021
Flood zones can pose a number of hazards as people evacuate, and when they return to their homes, farms, or businesses following a flood. Some of these hazards may be difficult to spot. This …

Wildfires and wildfire smoke
May 8, 2024
The frequency and intensity of Canadian wildfires is increasing due to the changing global climate, as well as long-standing forest management practices. Ever-worsening fire seasons impact…

Wildfires and drinking water safety: Understanding the risks and building resilience
September 12, 2024
The 2023 wildfire season was the worst on record in Canada, and while the 2024 season was not as severe, communities from Labrador City, to First Nations communities in…
[ARCHIVED] Residential Indoor Radon Testing
May 22, 2009
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…