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Scoping the public health response to drought
August 28, 2024
Abstract Climate-driven changes in annual maximum temperatures, precipitation patterns, snow accumulation, and glacier loss have elevated the risk of drought across Canada. Although drought…

The health impacts of drought in Canada
September 8, 2023
Drought is defined as an extended period of abnormally dry weather that depletes water resources for human and environmental needs. It is important to note that for drought to occur, the…

Mosquitoes in a changing climate
January 22, 2025
Mosquitoes are vectors of numerous diseases worldwide. However, only certain species of mosquito can carry diseases, and even fewer of these species can survive Canada’s harsh winters. Of Canada’s…

Impacts of Canada’s changing climate on West Nile Virus vectors
November 10, 2022
Key Messages Habitat suitability for the WNV vectors Cx. pipiens, Cx. restuans, Cx. tarsalis and Ae. albopictus is predicted to expand…
Newsletter Archive
table td {padding:5px;} Image December 2024 Features: Avian influenza Food environments…
Cyanobacteria and drinking water: Occurrence, risks, management and knowledge gaps for public health
March 21, 2019
With warming temperatures due to climate change and increased nutrient loads to freshwater systems, the occurrence of harmful algal blooms, largely associated with toxin-producing cyanobacteria, is…

Water storage and emerging challenges in a changing climate
March 8, 2024
Key Messages Water storage allows public water systems to function by helping to maintain pressure in distribution pipes, balancing demand, and ensuring continuous…

Post-disaster emergency response: Supporting people who use substances
November 3, 2022
Introduction There have been over 30,000 recorded deaths attributed to toxic substances across Canada since 2016. The toxic drug supply has had a devastating impact on communities across…

June 8, 2022
Legionella is naturally occurring waterborne bacteria that can survive within building water systems and multiply under ideal conditions that include warm temperature (e.g., 25-45°C), lack of…

Storyline of a silent killer: Extreme heat and media communication
July 12, 2024
Key messages Media professionals such as journalists, reporters, and editors can play pivotal roles in communicating about the risks of extreme heat events (EHEs…