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Carbon monoxide in long-term care facilities
November 7, 2016
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odourless, colourless, and non-irritating gas that is harmful to humans. As a by-product of incomplete combustion, CO is produced by fuel-burning appliances including…

COVID-19 risks from handling the deceased
February 23, 2021
Primary inquiry Information was requested on the SARS-CoV-2 transmission risks for individuals who are involved in the handling, transport, and examination of decedents known or suspected to have…

Alternative disposition services: Green burial, alkaline hydrolysis and human composting
April 19, 2023
Key Messages Public interest in new ways to dispose of human remains (alternative disposition services) is growing, driven in part by consumer demand for…

Crematoria emissions and air quality impacts
March 24, 2020
Primary inquiry A municipality received an application from a funeral home to install a cremator within their facility. Objections were received from nearby residents who were concerned about…
Crematoria and air quality fact sheet
March 30, 2020
In Canada, preference for cremation is increasing. The Cremation Association of North America (CANA) estimates that about 80% of human remains in Canada will be cremated by 2020. The increased…
Cemetery setback distances to prevent surface water contamination
October 25, 2017
Primary inquiry: In Canada, as in many other countries, cemeteries are required to be setback a certain distance from waterbodies to protect drinking water sources from contaminated…
Extreme Heat can be a Killer
February 26, 2020
Canada is experiencing more extremely hot days and longer periods of heat than during the late 20th century and it is going to get worse. Every year, about 120 people die from heat related causes in…
[ARCHIVED] Systematic Review of Environmental Burden of Disease in Canada
October 24, 2010
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…

Radon: Public Health and Cancer Prevention – A New Whiteboard Video from the NCCEH
February 15, 2019
Radon gas exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer in Canada after smoking and is estimated to cause over 3,000 deaths per year - which is more than motor vehicle collisions (~2,200…

Extreme heat
July 28, 2023
Climate change is increasing the frequency, duration, and intensity of the number of very hot days in Canada. During heatwaves, the daytime and night-time average temperatures are…