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We have resources on dozens of important environmental health topics presented in various forms including Evidence Reviews, Evidence Briefs and Research Scans, Subject Guides, Blogs, Webinar Recordings, and Videos and Tools. Please see this page for more information concerning these document types. Browse the topics and discover what is available.
INTerventions, Equity, Research and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT): Research and knowledge translation for scaling our understanding of health and the built environment
November 22, 2023
Abstract The INTerventions, Equity, Research, and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT) is a pan-Canadian collaboration of scientists, urban planners, public health practitioners, community partners, and…
Health impact assessment of air pollution in Canada: Recent findings on mortality, morbidity, and monetized costs
September 28, 2023
Abstract Health Canada, in collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada, recently completed a health impact assessment (health burden analysis) that quantified the mortality, morbidity,…

Avian influenza A(H5N1) and the continuing outbreak
July 12, 2023
Key Messages The outbreak of high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) caused by A(H5N1) that began in late 2021 has persisted through to 2023, and has shown…
The role of environmental public health professionals in collaborative foodborne illness outbreak investigations
June 28, 2023
Outbreaks of infectious foodborne diseases continue to affect populations across Canada, with potentially severe impacts on susceptible groups such as children, older adults, immune compromised…
Rapid implementation of bikeways for healthy, safe, equitable and more sustainable communities
May 24, 2023
Over the past several years, cities across Canada and throughout the world have increasingly shifted their approach to delivering bikeways by following a rapid implementation or quick build approach…

The four pillars of housing influencing health equity
March 30, 2023
Housing is a major pathway which generates and sustains health disparities – yet, our homes and neighbourhoods also have the opportunity to be a platform to promote health and flourishing. On…
Climate change and health: The IPCC report and COP27
February 24, 2023
Climate change is impacting the health of millions of people around the world. From slow onset climate changes to weather and climate extremes, climate change is impacting everything we care about.…

Where the public meets health: Libraries as key partners for advancing public health goals
January 12, 2023
In the past six months, the NCCEH has had the opportunity to reflect on the common goals of public health and a valuable but under-recognized community partner: public libraries. Public libraries are…

A renewed attention on environmental equity and justice
December 13, 2022
The concepts of environmental equity and environmental justice have been attracting renewed attention on the national and international stage. The House of Commons in Canada is currently deliberating…
Air quality sensor lending libraries: Bringing home public health
December 7, 2022
Public libraries are evolving, lending out more than just books and acting as hubs for innovative programming. One example in Canada is the rise of radon “Lending Library” programs that connect…