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We have resources on dozens of important environmental health topics presented in various forms including Evidence Reviews, Evidence Briefs and Research Scans, Subject Guides, Blogs, Webinar Recordings, and Videos and Tools. Please see this page for more information concerning these document types. Browse the topics and discover what is available.

Preventing indoor overheating
August 23, 2023
As climate change leads to more frequent and severe heat waves and more very hot days in Canada and elsewhere, there is an increased risk of indoor overheating. Indoor overheating…
Project, prepare, and protect: Using climate data and tools to understand future extreme heat
August 16, 2023
Abstract Extreme heat events are increasing in Canada and are projected to continue to increase in the future, not only in intensity and duration, but also in geographic extent. Greater efforts to…

Extreme heat
July 28, 2023
Climate change is increasing the frequency, duration, and intensity of the number of very hot days in Canada. During heatwaves, the daytime and night-time average temperatures are…
Keeping our cool: Preventing overheated buildings in the climate crisis
July 20, 2023
Abstract In the face of worsening heat waves, typical weather, power outages, urban heat, etc., how will our buildings perform and shelter us over their lifecycle? To capture the health and…

Psychosocial impacts of disasters: Resources for mitigation, response and recovery
April 26, 2023
Global change due to factors such as climate change, conflict, migration, urbanization, and aging are expected to amplify the public health impacts of disasters. Psychosocial impacts …
Preventing injuries and deaths during extreme heat events
June 29, 2022
Rising temperatures are one of the biggest global health threats of the 21st century. They underscore a critical need for ambitious adaptation and advancement of protective measures to safeguard the…

Health checks during extreme heat events
June 22, 2022
Extreme heat events affect different people in different ways, and some people are at higher risk of experiencing heat-related illness if they do not have air conditioning. One way to reduce the…
Fires, floods & hurricanes: Protecting Canadians by identifying and managing threats to safe drinking water
May 16, 2022
In the past decade, climate change-exacerbated landscape disturbances such as wildfires and floods have threatened water security by altering not only water availability, but also source water…
Irreversible extreme heat: Protecting Canadians and communities from a lethal future
April 27, 2022
Urban areas are the hot spots of global warming. Extreme heat, alongside flooding and wildfire, is a key risk to the health and well-being of Canadians. The situation is growing more dangerous, driven…

Mobilizing extreme cold response plans for people experiencing homelessness
March 9, 2022
Although climate change is expected to lead to warmer winters in general, evidence shows that rapid arctic warming is contributing to an increase in extreme cold events. These…