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We have resources on dozens of important environmental health topics presented in various forms including Evidence Reviews, Evidence Briefs and Research Scans, Subject Guides, Blogs, Webinar Recordings, and Videos and Tools. Please see this page for more information concerning these document types. Browse the topics and discover what is available.
[ARCHIVED] Residential Use of Wood-Burning Appliances in Canada
December 4, 2009
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
[ARCHIVED] Does Eating Organic Food Reduce Pesticide Exposures and Health Risks?
May 1, 2010
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
[ARCHIVED] Church/Community Suppers: What is the Evidence for Risk of Food-borne Illness?
March 14, 2010
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
[ARCHIVED] Cardiovascular Effects of Sub-daily Levels of Ambient Fine Particles
June 11, 2010
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
[ARCHIVED] Residential Pesticides and Childhood Leukemia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
January 10, 2010
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
[ARCHIVED] A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Childhood Leukemia and Parental Occupational Pesticide Exposure
October 13, 2009
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
[ARCHIVED] Hog Farms and Their Impact on the Quality of Life of People Living in Rural Areas
May 15, 2009
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
[ARCHIVED] When can Point-of-Use Water Filters be used for Removal of Protozoa?
October 25, 2008
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
[ARCHIVED] Residential Indoor Radon Testing
May 23, 2009
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…
[ARCHIVED] Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)
September 2, 2008
[This content has been archived. We archive content that is dated 10 years or older or content with rapidly evolving evidence or guidance that is now out of date (e.g., COVID-19). If you have…